
Cheat sheet: Why you should be winning in Fantasy Football if you’re a rehab specialist

Introduction We’re all part of a league where your co-worker’s wife’s cousin Karen won the league despite never having watched a single game all season. She drafted Todd Gurley II because he had “really cool horns” on his helmet, and Stefon Diggs because she “liked the color purple.” From my 12+ years of experience with Read more about Cheat sheet: Why you should be winning in Fantasy Football if you’re a rehab specialist[…]

Bye Bye Bias

The Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT) recently started a series called “Engaging With Research: Linking Evidence With Practice” in which they try to help everyday clinicians become better in their consumption of the research so they can integrate evidence more into their daily practice. In the first write-up, they cover the common Read more about Bye Bye Bias[…]

The Art of Persuasion: a life skill they don’t teach you in school

You just had an initial evaluation. You crushed it, gave them home exercises, and even scheduled them out for the rest of the month! Unfortunately THE PATIENT NEVER COMES BACK to PT. You start reflecting on where it could have gone wrong. It makes no sense because you did everything according to the book. The Read more about The Art of Persuasion: a life skill they don’t teach you in school[…]

Jack of all Trades, Master of None: Do physical therapists have an identity crisis?

I have been out for a couple of years now working 40 hours a week in an outpatient orthopedic clinic. I follow a lot of PT groups, influencers, and researchers on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Everyone that walks in the clinic clearly knows about physical therapy. My news feeds are bombarded with PT topics. Most of my friends are PTs. My wife is a PT. I’ve been Read more about Jack of all Trades, Master of None: Do physical therapists have an identity crisis?[…]

“Everything that shines ain’t always gonna be gold”: A blog about finding true happiness

See if you’ve heard this one before: after high school, young adult doesn’t know where he/she fits in this grand puzzle called life and spends a few years trying to find him/herself. What a time we live in today where mental health is a topic that is starting to become talked about now and big organizations like the NBA have taken initiative Read more about “Everything that shines ain’t always gonna be gold”: A blog about finding true happiness[…]

Get Better at Basics: Sidelying Thoracic Rotation aka the Open Book exercise

Exercise prescription is one of the things that sets us apart from other healthcare professionals. That’s why it’s extra peculiar as to why PT school curriculums don’t have more emphasis on therapeutic exercise. Can you imagine if surgeons were just left to learn surgery “on the job” during their clinical rotations? Some of you did Read more about Get Better at Basics: Sidelying Thoracic Rotation aka the Open Book exercise[…]

Why every physical therapist should have a professional Website

Before even graduating from PT school, I was warned about the high turnover rates within our field. Couple this fact with thousands of millennials entering the workforce, and we don’t seem to stand a chance. A colleague of mine, let’s call him Spartacus, is starting his third job since graduating from PT school a year and Read more about Why every physical therapist should have a professional Website[…]